I’ve noticed over many years that some people provide descriptions and photos of their progress in building working models, but I’ve always been reluctant to share my work, preferring to wait until I’ve succeeded with a working model! The main reason being that if it doesn’t work why show pics of failures? But I think that at my age I should begin to tell you about my work and I’ll tell you why. I’ll be 80 years old next February and I’d hate to think I’d missed an opportunity to share the secret to Johann Bessler’s wheel, before I shuffled off this mortal coil and before I had a chance to publish what I know - because I do know the secret.
Thursday, 21 November 2024
Gravitywheel.com Update
Tuesday, 19 November 2024
Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine
Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine was genuine, I decided to obtain as many verifiable facts pertaining to the legend of Bessler’s wheel as possible. I believe that my publications below provide a summary of all the information available, but I should mention that I have made considerable progress in deciphering some of the inventor’s coded information, none of this is in the books detailed below, but you visit some of my other websites which give plenty of details. This information is alluded to several times in his books, but it has taken many years of careful study to make sense of only some of it. Having said that there is considerable speculation about the various ciphers embedded in his works but most are too speculative to accept.
I think that the more we speculate the more confusion we can add. Speculation can be taken as fact and if further ideas are added that can compound the problem. I’m not promoting my books as the ultimate source of information on Bessler because there are so many historical documents which remain unexplored due to their poor condition or because they are lost in numerous private libraries. But for now they provide a quick and easy source of information on Johann Bessler and his perpetual motion machine.
Even though I published my biography of Johann Bessler several years ago, the information in it has not altered, because it is based on old documents written more than 300 years ago. There are new additional facts which need to be added at some point but they are details about his later life and although of interest do not impinge on the history of his perpetual motion machine. There are also Bessler’s own books which he published which cover his life in his own words and provide much information. The only other thing relevant to his story which I didn’t publish are two critiques written by his enemy, Christian Wagner and they are freely available in English at my main website, see below.
What follows is a list of my books, all but my biography were originally produced by Bessler to which I added a full English translation. The books are available in both hard copy and also as a digital PDF file. The digital file allows easy searches for words and names.
I hope that people will continue to use these books as a source of accurate information in their journey of discovery to find the solution to Bessler’s wheel.
1) “Perpetual Motion: An Ancient Mystery Solved?” View the synopsis for details of the book’s contents at my web site. http://www.free-energy.co.uk/html/synopsis.html. Briefly it is an account taken from of every document relating to Bessler that I could find from files held in museums around the world, researched and translated.
3) “Das Triumphans Perpetuum Mobile “- this was Bessler’s most professionally finished book. It was written in both German and Latin and this edition is a faithful reproduction of the actual pages of the original book. It also includes a full English translation at the rear. A number of drawings are included by the original author and these are said to contain a number of clues as to his machine’s workings.
4) “Gruendlicher Bericht” - this was Bessler’s first publication, ostensibly produced by a friend although I think one can detect Bessler’s handiwork in places. This copy is also in the original German and includes a full English translation at the rear. It also includes the very first drawing which Bessler published and this also contains clues to the way his machine worked.
5) “Maschinen Tractate” - this was found in the Bessler’s possessions after his death, in the form of a number of pages (141) and which contained a message on the front of the volume which stated that he had removed the drawings which depicted how his machine worked but that some one with a penetrating mind could by studying several drawings ultimately discover the secret of its construction. I have reproduced the drawings as they were found. I included his handwritten notes with the best translation I could obtain, since the writing is very hard to read.
You can also read Christian Wagner’s two critiques of Bessler’s wheel at my main web site.
Copies of all the above books can be obtained from my web site at
Books available from www.free-energy.co.uk
Alternatively you can use the buttons in the lower part of the right side panel under the heading, ‘My Publications’, which also takes you to a payment page.
There are some excellent additional resources and a forum for discussion at the
The best German web site is at http://www.besslerrad.de/html/bekannte_details.html
That’s all. Of course some people prefer to continue their research into perpetual motion machines without referring to Bessler’s own efforts and I respect that, but for those who like to have the information relating to Johann Bessler aka Orffyreus to hand in an easily accessible format, the books detailed above provide a good digital resource.
It is common knowledge that Bessler left a lot of encoded information about how his wheel worked. I have published a great deal of information about these codes and you read details both here www.the orffyreus code.com and in my previous blogs.
Friday, 22 December 2023
Trailer for What Comes Next.
This is a precursor to my sharing of what I believe will prove to be the solution to Bessler’s wheel. It’s just to explain how I got to this point and to prepare the ground for my posting of the most important parts of my information. There are many additional pieces of information which all go towards confirming my findings, but they would fill a book, which is what I’m doing.
Friday, 24 November 2023
Sharing Info MT 138, 139, 140 and 141- AKA — The TOYS Page
This post contains some of my ideas about where and how Bessler intended to reveal the workings of his perpetual motion device, or what is generally referred to as Bessler’s Wheel. Without a working model this is speculation, but I believe it is based on some sound interpretation of the many clues and hints he scattered throughout his documents.
I’ve written several blogs about the ‘Toys’ page so this is my latest and best attempt to explain all of it.
The figure below is from the original Maschinen Tractate, which is a name I coined for it because I originally thought that Bessler was referring to this collection of drawings in one of his letters but I think now he was talking about another project.
Underneath this original picture is the same figure cleaned up which is the one I’ll write about and explain what I believe is the true meaning of all the separate figures.
Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Johann Bessler’s Use of Alphanumerics.
In addition to his search for the solution to designing and building a perpetual motion machine Johann Bessler was also fascinated with the subjects of numbers, alphabets, alphanumerics and chronograms. This obsession might have been heightened by his visit to Prague where he learned about codes and ciphers.
He used his name to encode information about the number five and fifty-five. Potentially this clue pointed to the pentagram and/or chapter 55 of his second book Apologia Poetica(AP). This chapter is full of coded stuff which I go into more on my websites at www.theorffyreuscode.com and www.orffyreus.net
His first two illustrations, one in Grundlicher Bericht (GB) and another version in Das Triumphans…(DT) include a lot of numbered parts. Using just the numbers 1 - 24, he obtained a total of 660 which divided by 12 gives 55. Why divide by 12? Because Bessler cleverly embedded a clock in the same two drawings showing the 12 hours. This is the one from DT.
By drawing the lines of perspective within the illustration you can find a clock. This is confirmed by the eight o’clock line which includes two items numbered eight. Taking the 660 and dividing it by the clock’s twelve hours we obtain 55
His next illustration in DT was the Die Andere and Secunda Figua which was one illustration in two parts. He uses just the numbers from 1 - 10 which totals 55. Addingh all the numbers used on the left side totals 28, but those on the right add up to - you guessed it, 55!
Maybe by using Bessler’s favoured Caesar shift system, we find that ‘w’ is equivalent to the letter ‘j’, ‘j is the tenth letter. So why? I think it was a hint to read the alphabetic in this figure as both alphanumerics as well as the atbash. Any way the totals are as follows.
There are 39 numbers totalling 355. The letter ‘e’ is as usual missing from the left side, but that was how he highlighting the number. Adding the 5 to 355 to give 360, and brings the number total 40 - so 20 for each half. 360 divided by 20 equals 18, the basic pentagonal number, snd of course 360 divided by the missing 5 equals 72, one fifth of the pentagon.
Monday, 2 October 2023
More Information Hidden In Plain Sight
I have mentioned the “craftsman phrase” on my blog, several times and I suggested that it meant that the fallen weight only needed to be lifted 30 degrees. Below is another illustration from Bessler’s “Das Triumphant Orffyrean Perpetual Motion” (DT) which repeats the same information graphically. This one is ingenious.
In the next illustration I have copied across the large triangular pendulum and tilted it so that the centre of the three verticals coming out of the ovoid are located on the centre of the left side wheel and aligned with the hatching lines The two weights identified with red circles fit precisely on the rope, showing the 30 degree lift. The blue lines demonstrate the position if we ignore red circled weights, which I think shows that they shouldn’t be ignored.
Saturday, 23 September 2023
Bessler’s Gravitywheel - The Next Step
I said I wouldn’t show any pics of previous builds, and in fact there aren’t many left but this one (slightly out-of-focus!) was handy. It was taken in 2016 just before moving house. You can see the familiar five mech set up. (Best ignored!)